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Monday, May 25, 2009

Money is Power

Operation Repeal The Fed! -

If we were to return to localy managed currency instead of a national currency and return to REAL money vs. 'funny money' as we are currently on, everyone would benefit. There are other options as well though limited that include barter and trade without the Federal Reserve Bank notes. If you talk to other local people in your area and find that you have a good trade option why not ask them, "Would you be willing to give me ____ if I were to give you ____?" This can be any combination of material or service trade.

Since the bulk of our tax money is being put into war monguering, if we focused less on Federal Reserve Bank 'money' and more on service/product trades and more on giving to tax deductable nonprofit organizations that truly benefit 'the people', it would be a small step in the right direction.

I highly recommend that you check out

RaeRae's Blog

Health is Life

Every person has the human right to full health however this is only possible through knowledge or education and access to healthy food untainted by chemicals, toxins, or heavy metals. Become educated, research the health hazards of ingredients, make an effort to focus on eating less packaged foods and more organic, whole grain, non-meat foods. Cut down on buying and drinking carbonated and bottled beverages unless they are in glass and healthy. Every time you buy and drink a carbonated or bottled beverage realize that you are supporting an extensive carbon foot print and if the bottle is in plastic, adding to the ever growing trashing the planet.

Write the companies you buy from and tell them that you will not be buying from them, as much, until they stop using plastic packaging unless it is 100% post-consumer content. Try to encourage your local grocery store to stock more all natural/organic cleaners that are not toxic to their customers or the planet and less toxic products, educate the buyer of your commercial grocers, including 7-11s. Let them know that if they provide more healthy options you will be happy to buy more.

Learn more about the real health of herbs, oils, and ancient medical practices such as accupuncture, massage, reiki, yoga, and others. Read about seasalt and its benefits compared to the real health risks of commercial salt. You may be surprised.

Any time you think you should turn to commercial drugs of any kind, read about the benefits and minimal side affects of treatments our planet has to offer nonprofit over for profit.