Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Home for Blog

Since I have come to the realization that Google owns and 'views' this blog, I have relocated the site to

For more recent posts and other information please visit


We The People

We can take back our country through the Constitutional Right of Grand Jury. For more information please study and consider forming your own Grand Jury -

Saturday, July 4, 2009

** Constitutional Issues and Information **

Our National Security Intelligence agency is actively engaged in scanning and reviewing ALL e-mails, phone calls, and internet activity.

Information various issues

AT&T Whistleblower - April 2006
Exposing the Global Survelliance System
Crypto AG: The NSA's Trojan Whore? about the compromise of trusted ecryption hardware
Networking with Spooks about control over the internet domain name system
Big Brother Goes Hi Tech about loss of privacy in the information age
The Secret FISA Court:Rubberstamping on Rights about the loss of legal protections from covert surveillance.

US Founding Documents and Information
Excellent information on Constitutional Rights
Electronic Frontier Foundation Case VS ATT & GOVERNMENT
June 3rd 2009 Case Update
Serious concerns should be made regarding this article
Obama's Administration squashes EFF and ACLU Warrantless Wiretapping Suit
NSA Spying
Blind Faith of our Government is of Real Concern
ACLU Concerned
Wall Street Journal Article - You might want to question the Constitutionality

Photo Enforcement Follies: Why Sam Crump Rocks, and the Arizona Republic Bites
By Stephen Lemons in Feathered BastardFriday, Jan. 30 2009 @ 10:13AM
Disclaimer: I do not agree with the inflamatory language on this one, but do agree with the overall opinions and arguements

When Vultures Rule July 2007

Some contemporary court news information everyone should be aware of and take it to heart that Our Rights are being violated as a People every day, demand that it STOP

Serious Concers regarding National/State Laws
Check this out and if you're not upset there is something wrong
2008 Article regarding abuse of law on citizens
June 2009 Article regarding anonymous zoning complaint abuse

2001 Court case regarding red light/traffic cameras
A very interesting article regarding Virginia

REAL Viral Protection with NO Side Affects

It is known by more and more people have prescription anti-viral pharmaceuticals or drugs do not work, but too few people know the TRUTH - that there are entirely NATURAL preventatives and real CURES to Viruses. There are some excellent books if you just do a search on Amazon.come - then get the book/s from your local library, used book store, or last resort amazon or Borders etc. I prefer that you save money by first turning to your local library or used book store, but if they don't have anything by all means 'go retail' if you must. For your consideration:

Natural Flu Treatment

Great Information I highly recommend

Natural Cure for the Avian/Bird Flue

Great site for various situations

Serious Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup

If you watch Oprah you've heard about some of the dangers of this transfat, but I bet you didn't know that by volume of consumption, people have other more serious concerns.

For some mind altering realizations check out... Please be sure to read the ENTIRE article/s!!!

High Fructose Corn Syrup includes Mercury!

Another news story about Mercury in HFCS

Dangers of Carbonated Beverages

Not only are the various sweetners proven to cause Cancer but the huge amount of Carbondioxide is also unatural for humans or living things that require Oxygen and exhale Carbondioxide.

If you want more information check out

Federal Reserve Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank is not a government entity and in no way accountable to either our government or its Citizens. Our government DOES have the Constitutional Right to ban the Federal Reserve Bank and print its own money, but for some reason it refuses.

Why? The answer is Greed.
Who does have ownership and control over the Federal Reserve Bank Inc and IRS?
I put for your consideration:

Educational Information on our Monetary system

What are Constitutional taxes and taxation? Corporate Profit is what is taxable, but the Companies are 'in the pocket' of our Government and don't want you to know this information.

This is a great resource on various topics -

IRS Taxes are Government Fraud

Freedom Law School ’s Weekly Conference Call
Tuesday Night 9 PM till 11 PM (Eastern Time)
Ph: (218) 486-3600 #5907671

Check out -
Devvy Kidd

These prove that the Constitution verifies that IRS/Federal Taxes are Voluntary and NOT required by law.

Read 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' for more information.
Bill Conklin - Anti Irs site with great information

Religious Freedom

What does this mean? Our nation was founded on Religious Freedom, not just for Christians, but for Buddhist, Unitarians, and many other faiths and beliefs. Separation of Church and State for religious equality is not a bad thing. However I do have the opinion that if we are to encourage prayer in public schools then prayer should be open and in a free form, not dictated by the teacher. This country was founded as a 'melting pot' of many different people, towards those means we should be open to learning about other religions, Muslim in particular. Not the propaganda our government is putting out but rather Real Muslim beliefs including harm none.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ban Monsantos Madness

Check out -

Control over our food supply - Serious concerns

Summary of serious issues resulting from planting and consuming GMO food crops

This is one way to Take a Stand and Take Action as a Collective

Monsantos and other major GMO corporations are pushing to 'kill' Organic farming and safe food for life, in the interest of money over Life

Organic Consumers Advocate Group - Information on Monsantos and how what they are doing is bad for people and our food

Using underhanded unethical/immoral legal tactics - Demand your Rights under our Constitution

Interview with creator of Food Inc movie

Review of Food Inc

Monsantos Lobby $ Information

Food and Drug Administration Not Engaging in Due Diligence to prevent consumption of genetically cloned beef or other food products


Monsantos PCBs
GMO Dangers
Roundup dangers
PCB Cancer
PCB intelligence
Roundup Cancer
Monsantos PCBs

I also highly recommend that you watch Golden Child again, and pay special attention to how the child refused to eat ANYTHING unless he KNEW that it was truly from NATURE. There is also a passage in the Bible regarding eating only that which is from God or Nature, and nothing 'tainted'.

You can't safely eat anything unless it is stated as Organic, and even that is being threatened.

Guilty of false advertising twice, 1996 and 2008
States just as guilty for not banning Monsantos products

Our government is guilty of setting regulations based on politics and not science, write the FDA and demand a full ban of all Monsantos products - chemical and food.

Write your representatives and the headquarters of the main chain grocery stores you buy from - and demand they remove all Danon and Monsantos food products!